Brevard Chapter of
The National
Organization For Women
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has thousands of contributing members and dozens of chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (http://www.now.org/) Since its founding in 1966, NOW's goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society.
Brevard NOW is a multi-issue organization serving the interests of women and girls locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.
Consistent with national and Florida State NOW’s missions, Brevard NOW members take action through intersectional grassroots service, engagement, and activism to promote feminist ideals.
Members assemble to lead societal change, eliminate discrimination and to achieve and protect the equal rights of all women and girls in all aspects of social, political, and economic life.
Brevard NOW strives to create a safe, open environment for feminists who will advocate for our core issues. Members support National and FL State NOW’s priorities: Reproductive Justice, Economic Justice, Ending Violence Against Women, Racial Justice, LGBTQIA Rights and Constitutional Equality.
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